VITAL program talks literacy
on Jan 27, 2015
President Pam Erby (right) presents to both Theresa Hooper (left) and Gema Vargas Colon a thank you for presenting a program of the literacy services available in our community for non-English speakers. Theresa has been involved in Even Start, a family literacy program aimed at mothers of very young children who are non-English speakers, Parents as Teachers, which works with both pre-K children and mothers not only in literacy issues, but also in life skills, adult education classes at Sauk Valley Community College, in partnership with VITAL, adult literacy tutoring one-on-one, GED class assistance. Presently she is working for the IL Migrant Council assisting minority groups in our community with health issues. Gema began in Even Start some 20 years ago, attended many of the classes offered and little by little today is bilingual- fluent in both Spanish and English. That speaks to the success of these programs.