Rotary District 6420 Leadership Team attended the Fifth Annual End Polio Now Walk held October 10 at Centennial Park in Rock Falls, sponsored by the five Rotary Clubs of Dixon, Rock Falls, Sterling Noon, Twin Cities Sunrise, and Walnut and SVCC Rotaract. District Governor Tom Brooks presented a check for $1000 to assist in the Rotary effort to eradicate polio. Thanks to the Gates Foundation, that amount will be doubled and added to make that district contribution a total of $3000. Front row: Betty Clementz, Chair of End Polio Now Walk, receives the check from District Governor Tom Brooks while district leadership and planning committee members watch (back row left to right) PDG Kathy Kwiat-Hess, District 6420 Foundation Chair; Mike Albert, Rock Falls Rotary Foundation Chair; Gail Wright, Rock Falls Rotary President; PDG Leo Patterson, Dixon Rotarian; Laura Kann, District 6420 Governor Elect,; David Bills, District 6420 Governor Nominee, and PDG Steve Kuhns, District 6420 Treasurer.