Rock Falls Rotary Purchases a Blinking Speed Radar Sign for Rock Falls Rural Schools
on Feb 12, 2015
Rock Falls Rotary with matching funds from a Rotary District 6420 community grant purchased a blinking speed radar sign to alert motorists of their own speed as they travel within the school zones of East Coloma-Nelson and Montmorency Schools. With four lanes of traffic on Dixon Avenue for East Coloma-Nelson stu...dents, their parents and the buses, and with the rural speed limit of 55 mph along IL Route 40 for Montmorency students, parents, and buses, this sign should reduce the dangers during school hours in these school zones and create a safer environment for all who enter or exit the school grounds. Both Dave Chavira, East Coloma-Nelson Superintendent, and Alex Moore, Principal of Montmorency School, agreed that there was a definite need for slowing down traffic at each site, especially during times of arrival and departure. Between both schools, a total of over 700 students, their parents and the staffs will benefit from this sign installation.