Rock Falls Rotary Honors Outstanding Students
Senior students from Rock Falls High School were selected each month in the 2013 – 2014 school year as Rotary Students of the Month by teachers based on the Four Way Test of Rotary of all things they say, think and do:
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendship?
Is it beneficial to all concerned?
A celebration dinner was held in their honor on May 12 at which time each was presented with a certificate and a gift card.
Rotary Students of the Month (from back to front): Cody Sanders: November; Travis Last: April; Tanner Mortonson: December; Thomas Wie: October; Adrian Villa: January; Sandra Gomez: May; Blake Shipman: August; Jessica Hicks: February; Alejandra Villa: September. (Absent from photo is Julie Dodd: March.)