Rock Falls Rotary Celebrates 2017 Rotary Students of the Month
Students of the Month were selected by Rock Falls High School staff based on the Rotary Four-Way Test of things Rotarians think, say, and do: 1.) Is it the truth? 2.) Is it fair to all concerned? 3.) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4.) Is it beneficial to all concerned? Rock Falls Rotary hosted a dinner for all the students of the month and their parents to celebrate their selection and to give each a token of appreciation. Those in attendance were: (Right to left). Molly Mammosser, Emily Blackert, Sydney Young, Kaitlin Brown, Bailey Wetzel, Bailey Bickett, Isaiah Harris, with Bob Sondgeroth, Rotary Youth Chair.
Absent when photo was taken were Rollie Elder and Logan Pillars.